The way of the Three Steps
Native American Way to Begin the Day
on Mother Earth. Race any direction you
choose (take one step forward, as you look about, up and down)
Great, Holy Spirit, I take this step into the day you have given. I embrace all I see – the season, the wind,
the fragrances, the weather. Let me
always accept the day given with a grateful heart.
one step forward)
Spirit of Life, I put my arms around myself,
all that I am, all that I can be. I
stand here in my own history, with all my mistakes and victories. I hold all those I will meet today, in my
journeying and in my work. I try to walk
gently on this earth. Let me walk gently
through the lives of my work companies and friends and family. Though they make way for my passing, may they
spring back, neither broken nor bruised.
one step forward)
Glorious Spirit of Mystery, I put my arms around you. I do not know what will happen to me today,
but I accept it. Give me a heart of
courage and believing, so I may put my trust in you and fear nothing.
From the Plains Tribes – Native American
From the book Woman
Prayers: Prayers by women from
throughout history and around the world
--by Mary Ford-Grabowsky
Every morning I say this prayer and think about my day. I think about the Spirit of God that blesses me each morning with a new day, the four seasons and living in Canada, who would know what the weather will be like.
Then I think about the people I do I greet them. This prayer is a reminder to be gentle with all those I meet, whether I like them or not.
Finally, embracing the Spirit of God to help me accept this not act or react out of fear but to act out of love.
Do you have a special prayer?
Please share your morning spiritual ritual.
Come again............bring your coffee, sit and read and hopefully leave a comment. Love to hear from you........Mar